"hello parents,
With the primary quickly approaching, i was hoping to ask the two of you to take a good look at what Barack Obama has to offer. I know, mom, that you are a very big Hillary supporter, and that you, dad, at least were on the fence the last time I spoke with you. This I can understand. Mrs. Clinton is a very viable candidate whose experience is hard to disregard, and I'm sure she would make a solid President.
Over these past few weeks, I've taken a keen interest in this election. As both of you know, I consider myself a moderate, and have not had the privilege (as you two have had with Kennedy) of seeing a truly inspiring president in my lifetime. I have never really felt passionate about a candidate, or, for that matter, party politics. Some would point to Bill Clinton, and I'll admit; he was a good, charismatic president who promoted excellent policies. But does he reside with Kennedy, FDR, Lincoln and the other greats when we look back on history? Unfortunately his record under speculation doesn't stand against theirs .
For the first time in my life, I have truly been inspired by a candidate -Barack Obama. His policies may not be so different from Hillary's, but the intricacies of a policy can only carry us so far as a nation. Imagine what this country can accomplish when inspired, energized and motivated. Perhaps you may not think it possible, or at least hesitate to think that it may be, but I implore you to take a good look at his speeches, and the constituency he appeals to (I'll provide some links).
More importantly, he is also bringing something to the Democratic party that I have not seen in my lifetime - real, unabashed patriotism. I know this is a common stereotype promoted by conservatives - that liberals cannot be patriots. But you have to admit, to a certain degree, that it has become vogue in the Democratic party to avoid praising the history of this nation. In my view, it is our natural tendency to try to overcompensate for the wrongs of our past. I have always taken issue with this, but saw no immediate escape from such a point of view. Enter Barack Obama. When an African American compares the plight of escaping slavery to the hardships suffered by our Polish ancestors immigrating to this nation; how they both experienced a common struggle, striving for a common goal, you know that he represents an idea the democratic party has been grasping for for decades. To hear him speak about the United States in such a prideful manner, while staying true to his liberal core, requires a delicate balance and strong character. It's truly powerful.
Mr. obama gave a speech after the primary in New Hampshire (http://www.youtube.com/wat
This is the kind of product....art...that Obama inspires. It transcends both racial and partisan lines. While I understand you may have your minds made up, at least take a second look at what this man can offer - and not only to this country alone. I don't think I've ever read more articles concerning the international opinion on American elections. Arab country's from all over the world are tuning in; imagine what his election can do for democracy on an international scale?
I sent my absentee ballot in today. Virginia is looking like a Clinton favorite but...well you can't say I didn't try right?"
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